Central Massachusetts Suicide Prevention Coalition

A member alliance in collaboration with MCSP to prevent suicide.

Are you in a crisis?

Call 988 or text TALK to 741741

The Central Massachusetts Suicide Prevention Coalition is a partnership of mental health professionals, educators, family and friends, survivors of suicide attempts and other individuals and organizations who are committed to preventing suicide. The group strives to raise awareness through education and widespread communication of information about mental health, suicide prevention and prevention resources available in our region.

Become a Member

The Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention is a membership organization, with an annual dues structure that will generate revenue sufficient to cover many of the key advocacy activities of the coalition. 


Stop, Drop, Roll: A Novel Method for Emotional Regulation

Over the course of this one-hour webinar, Dr. Ursula Whiteside will present a free, evidence-based solution for managing highly intense emotional states, which, if unchecked, may culminate in unplanned suicide attempts or other adverse outcomes. It empowers individuals to recognize and navigate these states safely, akin to the Stop, Drop, and Roll response to a physical fire. This approach draws on insights from survivors of suicide attempts and the foundational work of Dr. Marsha Linehan, in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Please find an attached paper under review and supplementary images for a more in-depth understanding.

SPRC Effective Suicide Prevention